Puhu paremmin A2

5.00 out of 5 based on 8 customer ratings
(8 customer reviews )

Original price was: 150,00 €.Current price is: 140,00 €.

Thursdays @ 16:00 - 17:00
April 24 – August 7, 2025

To participate you need a computer (or laptop) with microphone. Webcam is necessary.

Early bird price until February 19th, 2025!

This is a SUMMER course. We will meet on 10 Thursdays between April 24 and August 7. See details for dates we don’t meet.

This is a discussion group for students, who have a strong desire to speak Finnish! Finnish on CEFR level A2.1 – A2.2.

Kurssilla puhutaan suomea yhdessä ja Breakoutroomseissa.

Live online class once a week, with prep materials occasionally. You will give an oral presentation, and receive clear, personalized feedback after the presentation.

Another group will start in September 2025. Registration for it will open in the summer of 2025.

There are 9 spots left for this course, enroll now.

We will study mostly vocabulary and phrases, sometimes maybe a little bit of grammar, but we focus on talking. Topics are:

  • Mitä sanoa kaupassa
  • Suomen kirjallisuutta
  • kevään kukat ja sää
  • uutiset ja sää 
  • vappu
  • + opiskelijoiden toiveita

This course is suitable for students, who like to study in a group, and want to speak in Finnish language. We will work together in Zoom ten times, but sometimes you need to prepare yourself to the discussions by reading texts or watching videos on your own. Reading includes reading longish articles or news in Finnish. The teacher will email you the instructions and links to articles or videos. Each student is also asked to prepare one presentation during the course. Don’t be afraid – the teacher shows the way.

Previous studies in Finnish are required. The language of instruction will be mostly Finnish.

To participate you need a computer (or laptop) and a microphone.

After your payment has been processed, you will get further instructions for joining the course as well as the Zoom link.

Course details:
Starting level: A2.1 – A2.2.
Language of instruction: Finnish

Material: Teachers materials
Schedule: 10 Thursdays in April-August, each lesson at 16.00 -17.00. (Finnish time), no lessons on May 1st and 29th, June 26th, July 3rd, 24th and 31st.
Number of participants: max. 10 students, min. 6 students

Starting level

New groups start in

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8 reviews for Puhu paremmin A2

5.00 out of 5 stars

  1. Reviewer profile image
    5 out of 5

    Gabriel Ortiz

    Recommended course

    Taru gives good explanations about structures that can be useful when talking…now I am able to understand the different cases where we can use the “pitää” verb.
    Preparing a presentation for the class was a great task to improve our speaking skills!

  2. Reviewer profile image
    5 out of 5


    Kiitos Taru. Sinun kurssi on erittäin mielenkiintoinen. Pidin esittelyistä todella paljon. Se on erittäin hyvä harjoitus.

  3. Reviewer profile image
    5 out of 5


    Kurssi on kiva. Se on pieni ryhmä ja on mahdollisuus keskustella eri aiheista. Kiiros Taru!

  4. Reviewer profile image
    5 out of 5

    Antonio Rubio

    Perfect course

    I followed this module with great joy, as it perfectly complemented my previous levels. Taru challenges us to surpass ourselves. The course featured a diverse range of situations and themes enlarging our vocabulary .
    Many thanks Taru

  5. Reviewer profile image
    5 out of 5

    R D

    tämä kurssi on tosi hyvä – sella on hyvä rakenne ja opiskelijat voivat harjoitella paljon kuuntelemaan ja puhutaan. esitelmät ja breakout rooms Zoomissa ovat avulias. mulla on parempi luottamus kuin ennen. kiitos Taru!

  6. Reviewer profile image
    5 out of 5

    Daniel Demierre

    On vaikea löytää puhumisesta verkko-opetusta internetista.
    Tarun metodi on tosi kiinnostava. Me puhumme kirjakieltä ja puhukieltä. Kursissa on vain keskutellua ja osalistuja eivät paljon. Me voimme harjoitella puhua paljon.
    Taru opettaa aina ystävällisesti ja rauhoittamisesti.
    Paljon kiitokisa Tarulle

  7. Reviewer profile image
    5 out of 5


    Tämä kurssi auttoi minua paljon puhumaan suomea. Se lisäsi itseluottamustani. Suosikkini oli kirjaillisuudesta puhuminen. Siinä on paljon harjotukset sanaston tutkimiseen. Kiitos Taru

  8. Reviewer profile image
    5 out of 5

    Yanina Rodriguez

    Tämä kurssi auttoi minua paljon! On niin tärkeää aloittaa puhuminen. Taru auttoi minua tässä prosessissa. Suosittelen tätä kurssia. Kiitos paljon Taru 💕

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Puhu paremmin A2
Original price was: 150,00 €.Current price is: 140,00 €.

There are 9 spots left for this course, enroll now.