Opitaan verbejä B1.1.


Tuesdays @ 12:30 - 14:00
June 3 – July 8, 2025

To participate you need a computer (or laptop) with microphone. Webcam is necessary.

You will be studying 90 minutes of grammar, but you know what? You’ll love it! Starting level minimum A 2

pastedGraphic.pngJune 3, June 17 and July 1, July 8

Tuesdays at 12.30-14.00. (Finnish time)


To participate you need a computer (or laptop) with microphone. Camera is necessary.

Live online once a week. 4 x 90 min + homework 1-2 hours.

NOTE! Language of instruction will be mostly Finnish and partly English.

There are 11 spots left for this course, enroll now.

On the lessons you will study grammar related to Finnish verbs. You will learn about 10 – 20 new verbs every week. We will write, talk and conjugate the verbs in different contexts. Homework, tasks, exercises and much more will be sent to each student by email.


  • Simple past tense, positive and negative
  • Present and past perfect, positive and negative
  • Conditional mood
  • mitä olet tekemässä? (The Finnish third infinitive)


  • Liikunta ja urheilu
  • Rakennusala
  • Kesä ja juhannus
  • Hoitaminen

Number of participants: max. 12 students.

Starting level


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Opitaan verbejä B1.1.

There are 11 spots left for this course, enroll now.